I wanted to start a weekly promotional teaching with articles I or you find particularly helpful. This week I would like to start with SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Obviously this is one of the more important lines of promotion, because it involves getting your brand out there-in the search engines and hopefully the goal is to get it at the top of the list for your specific keywords.
Now I'm surely NOT an expert at all, but that's why the new "Saturday Sales Pitch" articles are going to be so important to us, not to mention enlightening (hopefully!)
So without further ado!..... This article has been taken from Jarrett Holmes blog post called "Search Engine Optomization Marketing Tips"
S.E.O. or search engine optimization is crucial to your websites success. The better you do it, the more hits you’ll get. There are many aspects involved. I won’t get into all of them, but I’ll share with you some great things that I have learned from very successful online marketers and you may do the research and reading on your own.
Things to learn, study, and execute on your websites are keywords, metatags, backlinks, anchor text, URL’s, keywords in the URL and quality content and services on your site, just to name a few. I am just a beginner, but I have learned a lot in the last year on search engine optimization.
Here are a few of my learned experiences:
1) Put your keywords in the title of your article or post
2) After you do your keyword research, put keywords through out your post at least 5-8 times
3) Use clickable (keyword rich) anchor text at all times, not a regular website .com link.
4) Link to lots of other major sites, especially when they are subject compatible to your post. You may also ask them to link to your site for additional backlinks.
5) Use All-In-One SEO Pack on your Wordpress blog or Google SEO Tools for your website.
6) Do your keyword research first before you post and follow the experts and what they teach and do.
7) Bookmark your posts with OnlyWire! Very important.
Don’t just write. Post videos and audio too (Podcast)!
9) Use TrafficGeyser to absolutely explode your content all over the net! Do it now!
10) Submit your articles with the #1 Mass Submitter and Article Spinner Automatic Article Submitter.
There are many great teachers on S.E.O. and P.P.C. or Pay-Per-Click marketing online. The most well known teacher is Perry Marshall. He created the 2009 and now the 2010 Adwords Definitive Guide Early Bird. He also made the Definitive Guide to Adwords, Guerilla Marketing System and his Adwords Course.
The other world-class creator of the greatest Search Engine Optimization software and information products I have ever seen is Brad Callen. Check out the #1 S.E.O. Tools on earth Keyword Elite 2.0 and SEO Elite 4.0..
I recently signed up for Jeremy Shoemaker’s 12 Week Internet Marketing course and must say it is amazing! it’s FREE and you can sign up at http://ShoemoneyX.com. His regular website is http://Shoemoney.com. I also referenced his great site in my earlier blog post. His 12-week course on Internet Marketing is the best I have ever seen and is an unbelievable value and it’s completely FREE! Thank you Jeremy for a fantastic course and all your kick ass blog posts as well. It was nice meeting you in Denver at Affiliate Summit and hearing you speak.
Here are some of the best Free Tools I have found and used:
AdWords Wrapper: Free AdWords Tool
Wordtracker is another fantastic tool to do your keyword research.
Here is a great Keyword Suggestion Tool.
I love the Google Keyword Tool Box
Then there is the almighty Google Search-Based Keyword Tool
The main one I also use is the Google AdWords Keyword Tool
S.E.O. is an ongoing learning lesson. You will continually get better as you learn more, adapt and gain the experience necessary to improve through ACTION. Experience will teach you the most and you should never stop learning. No matter what your knowledge level, the more you learn, the more income you will make. The most experienced and prosperous people I have met in Internet Marketing are continuous learners with an insatiable appetite for knowledge on the subject. Successful marketing techniques are always changing also with the market and the industry and you have to continually grow and adapt with those changes, or get left behind.
I hope these tools will help you propel your online exposure for your businesses into the stratosphere! -Jarrett
Well That is all for this lovely Saturday, I hope you learned something just like I did.
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